Pacific Green Hydrogen Project

The Pacific region finds itself in an unprecedented situation with climate change and an overreliance on fossil fuels. The rapid changes occurring are impacting the islands' livelihoods and their existence.  For these reasons, the GNZCC is partnering with the German Federal Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Safety and a research institute to study the potential use of green hydrogen in conjunction with the renewable energies in the Pacific. The research seeks to find solutions to wean the Pacific Islands of fossil fuels by connecting German companies offering -breaking, climate-friendly solutions with tourism and transport operators in the Pacific.

As a starting point, the study will pilot in four Pacific Island countries- Tonga, Samoa, Fiji, and the Cook Islands.  These countries currently generate 20-50% of their energy from renewable sources, heavily relying on diesel generators- the project aims to alter this reliance. The project aims to connect small-to-medium German enterprises that manufacture hydrogen technologies for an off-grid application in the Pacific Islands. 

The project presents great bilateral opportunities. For German businesses, it enables the practical implementation of innovative products that will leave a positive impact. However, beyond this, the project will allow energy self-sufficiency in the islands.

Read the brochure here