Pilot project in New Zealand: Green hydrogen technologies for heavy-duty transport and infrastructure solutions

Stronger together for a greener future

Hydrogen Technology Solutions


This project aims to broaden the application of green hydrogen technologies in New Zealand, building on our existing collaboration with Hiringa. Our goal is to enhance the hydrogen infrastructure to support not only heavy-duty transport but also other sectors that can benefit from sustainable hydrogen solutions. This initiative will see German and New Zealand stakeholders collaborating to develop a comprehensive and scalable hydrogen network. The scope can be expanded beyond what is described here if German technologies align with your company's needs.

Background and Need

The pilot project “Green hydrogen technologies for heavy-duty transport and infrastructure solutions” led by the German-New Zealand Chamber of Commerce (GNZCC), funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economy and Climate Change, in partnership with Hiringa has made significant strides. However, there is a growing need to extend these efforts to other sectors, including industrial applications, marine transport, and energy storage, to fully realize the potential of green hydrogen in reducing New Zealand’s greenhouse gas emissions.

Transport, especially freight transport, accounts for 47% of New Zealand’s greenhouse gas emissions. The heavy reliance on fossil fuels for transport and the limited existing green hydrogen infrastructure underscore the necessity of expanding green hydrogen solutions.


  1. Expand  Hydrogen Infrastructure:  In a unified effort that combines German technology with Hiringa’s local expertise, we aim to expand the network of hydrogen refuelling stations throughout New Zealand. This initiative will extend service to more regions and cater to diverse applications, strengthening the infrastructure for sustainable energy solutions
  2. Sector Integration: Integrate green hydrogen technologies into sectors beyond heavy transport, such as industrial processes, marine transport, and energy storage solutions.
  3. Collaborative Innovation: Foster collaboration between German and New Zealand companies to bring advanced hydrogen technologies and solutions to the New Zealand market.

Project Components

  1. Infrastructure Development:
    • Extend the network of hydrogen refuelling stations.
    • Develop hydrogen infrastructure for industrial and marine applications.
    • Implement off-grid hydrogen production and storage solutions.
  2. Stakeholder Engagement:
    • Host information events in Germany and New Zealand to present project plans.
    • Establish a consortium of German companies specializing in hydrogen technologies.
    • Organize B2B meetings and conferences to facilitate collaboration and knowledge exchange.

We're keen to collaborate with a variety of companies and project partners in New Zealand. By combining German Efficiency with the Kiwi can-do attitude, we aim to position New Zealand as a leading example in the transition to hydrogen energy.  This initiative focuses on expanding New Zealand's green hydrogen infrastructure and applications, fostering a strong and sustainable energy ecosystem. Through collaboration between German expertise and New Zealand's innovative capabilities, this partnership will not only spur economic growth and drive environmental advancements but also significantly contribute to the global climate change effort, showcasing New Zealand's leadership in sustainable energy solutions.