Die Fachmesse für Verkehrstechnik findet vom 24. bis 27. September 2024 in Berlin statt. Die InnoTrans 2024 hat ihren Status als Weltleitmesse für Verkehrstechnik bestätigt: Zahlreiche Aussteller aus Deutschland und der ganzen Welt haben ihre Teilnahme bereits gesichert. 80 Prozent der Ausstellungsfläche sind bereits belegt, ein neuer Rekord zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt des Buchungsstandes. Auffallend ist die große Nachfrage nach größeren Ständen. "Wir freuen uns über die anhaltend hohe Nachfrage nach Ausstellungsflächen und hoffen, dass wir 2024 allen Interessenten eine Fläche anbieten können. Ich bin jedes Mal wieder beeindruckt, wie früh sich die Branche auf die InnoTrans vorbereitet und damit ihre Bedeutung als weltweit einzigartige Mobilitätsplattform mit einer unvergleichlichen Marktabdeckung unterstreicht", sagt InnoTrans-Geschäftsführerin Kerstin Schulz. Die vierzehnte InnoTrans wird 2024 wie in den Vorjahren das gesamte Gelände der Messe Berlin belegen, einschließlich des Outdoor-Displays und des Bus-Displays im Sommergarten. Lesen sie den kompletten Artikel hier. © 2023 Messe Berlin
Taking as its slogan ’All in One’, FRUIT LOGISTICA celebrated its thirtieth anniversary and from 8 to 10 February showcased the entire value chain of the fresh produce sector. In 27 halls the focus was on the latest trends and innovations in the global fresh fruit trade. Kai Mangelberger, project manager for FRUIT LOGISTICA: “We are very satisfied. Exhibitor and visitor numbers are nearing pre-pandemic levels again. Over 40 national representations occupied displays larger than before the pandemic, including that of Spain. Particularly in economically challenging times, with the industry facing high energy prices, supply chain issues and inflation worldwide, it shows us we need face-to-face meetings. FRUIT LOGISTICA brings the sector together and facilitates dialogue, establishing contacts and finding out about market innovations.“ Successful business deals at FRUIT LOGISTICA The participants in this year’s FRUIT LOGISTICA were more than satisfied too. According to the preliminary findings of an exhibitor and trade visitor survey, over 40 per cent of exhibitors polled had already concluded business deals during the event. Moreover, nine out of ten respondents expected follow-up business to be ‘satisfactory’ to ‘very good’. Accordingly, the overall view of exhibitors was very positive: around 90 per cent would recommend FRUIT LOGISTICA to others in their business circle, and the same percentage planned to take part in FRUIT LOGISTICA 2024. Among trade visitors business activity was high too. Over 80 per cent were able to secure new business leads, while about one in three were already able to conclude business during the fair. All in all, the view among trade visitors was positive. 9 out of 10 respondents said their overall impression was good, would recommend the event to colleagues or business partners and would travel to Berlin again for FRUIT LOGISTICA 2024. This year, FRUIT LOGISTICA again positioned itself as an international meeting place for the industry – four out of five trade visitors came from abroad. FRUIT LOGISTICA made a good impression with its wide-ranging programme which over 90 per cent of respondents rated ’good’ or ’very good’. Read the full press release.