Messen Deutschland
Messe Pressemitteilungen

From Nuremberg, out into the world: energy-charged Spielwarenmesse generates high spirits in the market


Press Release of Spielwarenmesse eG

The Spielwarenmesse is the global meeting point for an entire industry. From 28 January to 1 February 2025, it came together in Nuremberg for the 74th time – and succeeded in matching last year’s very high numbers. 2,362 exhibitors from 71 countries presented their innovations and trends in a significantly enlarged space and made successful use of the expanded range of options offered by the organiser, Spielwarenmesse eG. The amended hall structure, event-packed Specials and new networking opportunities helped some 57,500 visitors from 126 nations to navigate their way, easily and enjoyably, through the diverse range of products. The Spielwarenmesse is the global meeting point for an entire industry. From 28 January to 1 February 2025, it came together in Nuremberg for the 74th time – and succeeded in matching last year’s very high numbers. 2,362 exhibitors from 71 countries presented their innovations and trends in a significantly enlarged space and made successful use of the expanded range of options offered by the organiser, Spielwarenmesse eG. The amended hall structure, event-packed Specials and new networking opportunities helped some 57,500 visitors from 126 nations to navigate their way, easily and enjoyably, through the diverse range of products.

Read the full article on their website

© Spielwarenmesse eG, Herderstraße 7, 90427 Nürnberg