Treffen Sie das GNZCC-Team und finden Sie den richtigen Ansprechpartner für Ihr Anliegen.

Our Vision & Mission


Connecting people in business to create opportunities between Germany and New Zealand


The trusted GNZCC network - growing trade and facilitating business connections through active support and capitalising on bilateral trade knowledge. Designed and delivered with all key parties and teams at the table, for the benefit of the GNZCC stakeholders across New Zealand & Germany.

Geschäftsführung & Administration

Monique Surges

Chief Executive Officer
(Executive & Premium Partners)

Auckland Region Repräsentanz

Monique Surges

Chief Executive Officer
(Executive & Premium Partners)

Alexandra Gabler


Erin Daly

Manager Business Development Australasia/Trade Fair Manager
(Members based in NZ & AUS)

Iris Heinz

Head of DEInternational, Projects & Services

Celine Kern

Communications & Social Media Manager

Ricardo Rodriguez

Events & Administration Coordinator

Christian Dietrich

Research Consultant

Nick Gutjahr

Research Intern

Immanuel Herrmann

Events & Communications Intern

Wellington Region Repräsentanz

Julia Mannion

Wellington Regional Manager

Kathrin Curtis

Business Support Manager

Marie Schwenzer

Research Consultant