Nature Homes Carpentry Ltd

First Name Fabian
Last Name Schneider
Position in company director
Phone/Mobile 0274285590
Company name Nature Homes Carpentry Ltd
Company address in New Zealand 10 Hohiria Street, Waikanae Beach
Main phone +64 (0) 27 428 5590
Number of employees 0-10
Short description of the company new dwelling, alteration, extension & any kind of carpentry work, specialized in LowE building
Upcoming & Ongoing projects applicant would be involved in high performances LowE new build at the Kapiti Coast
Gross hourly rate NZ$ 25 - NZ$ 30
What type of Qualification qualified carpenter, joiner or similar
Description of intended work German builder is to carry out any kind of carpentry work
Accommodation offered yes
Additional Info We are a small, personal company with a big reputation for friendly, professional service and high quality workmanship. We know that building your dream home is one of the biggest decisions you will make and we strive hard to bring your dreams to reality, taking pride in building not just a house, but a home brimming with individuality that reflects your tastes, needs and lifestyle – a home that you will love and love to live in.