Germany - New Zealand Energy Dialogue | H2Global Information Session
Online Event
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Event Start
12/04/2022 · 18:00
Event End
12/04/2022 · 19:30

To everyone who joined us from New Zealand and Germany, a big thank you for joining us on Tuesday for the Information Session on H2Global. Also a big thank you to our expert speakers for sharing their insights and answering all of your questions.

The H2Global program is a funding instrument developed by the German government which has committed significant funding to support the rapid market ramp-up of hydrogen and Power-to-X value chains internationally.

If you have missed out or needed to leave earlier, please see the details for the recording here. The password to access the recording is Y*2Gb4.5

If you have a spare minute, we would love to hear your feedback and of course if there are any further questions please reach out to:

We are more than happy to connect you and help bridge the gap between Germany & New Zealand. We wish you a lovely long Easter weekend and hope to welcome you to one of our upcoming events soon.

This event was hosted by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), the German-New Zealand Chamber of Commerce (GNZCC) and adelphi.

Click here for more information about H2Global.

Click here for the agenda.

Iris Heinz

Iris Heinz

Head of DEInternational, Projects & Services

A joint event with


Sally Brooker

Professor of Chemistry at the University of Otago

Tina Schirr

Executive Director of the BusinessNZ Energy Council

Suzannah Toulmin

New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment (MBIE)

Guy Waipara

General Manager of Development, Meridian Energy

Stefan Krawielicki

German Ambassador

Timo Bollerhey

Executive Director of HINT.CO GmbH and Managing Partner of H2 Global
Advisory GmbH

Stephen Canny

Southland Regional Development Agency & NZ Hydrogen Association