Member News

Get the help you need – Host an intern in your company


Hosting an intern is easier than you might think. GNZCC has set up a partnership with New Zealand's leading internship provider, "New Zealand Internships."

New Zealand Internships has been operating since 2007 and has successfully assisted over 5000 candidates with internship placements throughout the country. They take care of the hassle of screening, paperwork, visa arrangements, arrival logistics, and accommodation assistance. They propose suitable candidates to your organization and, if you are interested, they set up an interview for you. Additionally, they provide a network of interns in Auckland, ensuring that the candidate will have a social network from the day they arrive.

Your organisation can host an intern from $0,- (that’s right, zero dollar’s) per week.

Benefits of hosting

Why should you host an intern at your company? Being a host does not only gives the intern an amazing opportunity to develop, learn and work in New Zealand, but it brings a wide range benefits to your company as well.

As a host company, you will have the confidence that interns who participate in our program are qualified in their field and motivated to deliver. Over 99% of our candidates successfully completes their internship. The intern’s fresh perspectives, views and new ideas can revitalize you and your employees.  More and more host companies across New Zealand are finding that hosting interns a mutually beneficial and rewarding experience. Many of our host employers tell us that they learn as much as they teach. Some of the top reasons our 1200+ host companies are offering internships include:

-The possibility to connect to the latest graduate talent pool with up-to-date knowledge, new perspectives and fresh ideas;

-A recognition that students are struggling to get a foot in the door without any work experience and the wish therefor to give upcoming talent a start in their careers;

-The interns are unpaid – their experience focuses on achieving learning outcomes under the guidelines of MBIE;

-The opportunity to offer training, mentoring and management skills for their staff;


(International) interns and trainees are also:

-Passionate and motivated

-Committed and reliable

-Creative and analytical

-Adaptable and solution focussed

-Able to intern independently and as part of a team

-Lots of our host companies find that they had such a wonderful experience that they continue to host interns through our program again and again.


Apply to host an intern.



“They are talented with fresh ideas, a motivation to succeed and are very keen to see measurable results from their work. Our clients have been impressed with the quality of their output and their willingness to fit into their teams”.