NH Design & Project Management Ltd

First Name Maria
Last Name Zirtzow
Position in company director
Phone/Mobile 0274285590
Email maria@nhdesign.nz
Company name NH Design & Project Management ltd
Company address in New Zealand 6A Ruapehu Street, Paraparaumu
Main phone +64 (0) 27 428 5590
Website www.nhdesign.nz
Number of employees 0-10
Short description of the company design & project management company in cooperation with local carpentry companies
Upcoming & Ongoing projects applicant would be involved in PreFab project at the Hawkes Bay
Gross hourly rate NZ$ 25 - NZ$ 30
What type of Qualification qualified carpenter, joiner or similar
Description of intended work German builder is to carry out any kind of carpentry work
Accommodation offered yes
Additional Info NH Design is working with local carpenters to build high performance, affordable LowE homes