Frankfurt am Main
Pilot project in New Zealand: Green hydrogen technologies for heavy-duty transport and infrastructure solutions
Frankfurt am Main
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Event Start
16/11/2023 · 09:00
Event End
16/11/2023 · 17:00

Information event



The goal of the event is to form a consortium of German companies that will jointly provide solutions in the field of green hydrogen technologies using renewable energy for heavy duty transport and infrastructure solutions including utilization.

Relevant market information from New Zealand will be presented at the information session in the morning. Get to know a staff member of the AHK New Zealand as well as potential clients for a first pilot project in the target market on site and use the opportunity of direct exchange during the event and during the networking breaks provided for this purpose. In the afternoon, a workshop will be held with German companies to explore consortium and project opportunities in more detail. Discuss with interested companies about the possibilities, get to know each other and benefit from the opportunities of a company cooperation within a consortium.

Afterwards, interested companies will be accompanied by the Export Initiative Energy in forming a consortium with the aim of holding talks with relevant stakeholders and potential customers as a consortium in New Zealand in the summer of 2024.

The application deadline is 17.10.2023.

For you as a German technology provider or service provider, participation is sponsored by the BMWK as part of the Energy Export Initiative. Therefore, participation is free of charge, only the catering fee is 45,00 EUR.

Target market information

New Zealand aims to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. One component of this is to increase the share of low- or zero-emission trucks. Hiringa, a group of energy professionals, has set itself the task of establishing the country's first hydrogen refueling network and covering all of New Zealand's freight routes with an innovative hydrogen charging network by 2030. In doing so, they are receiving financial support from the government, which is also sponsoring other projects of this kind. Initiatives such as the New Zealand Green Investment Fund and the Low Emission Transport Fund are already funding projects that help reduce CO2 emissions. Further framework conditions and strategies to advance New Zealand's hydrogen economy are being worked on intensively on the New Zealand side. There is a great interest in new technologies and in German experience, especially in the use of renewable energies for the production of hydrogen and the self-supply of filling stations. The high demand for high-quality and innovative hydrogen technologies, as well as Hiringa's long-standing project, offer German SMEs great opportunities in New Zealand.

Organization and contact persons

The information event is organized by energiewaechter GmbH, an implementer of the Export Initiative Energy, together with AHK New Zealand and RENAC. If you have any questions about participation on the German side, please contact Meike Wächter (energiewaechter GmbH).

Click here for more information.